Acupuncture, the ancient practice of inserting needles into specific points of the body, is an amazing tool for healing and balancing pets as well as people.
These specific points are considered by the ancient Chinese to be located along the pathways of “Qi” flow through the body. Decreases, increases, blockages, and misalignments of qi lead to disease and pain. Modern research has shown that these points, identified thousands of years ago, contain free nerve endings, special immune cells, and other microscopic machinery that we now know give acupuncture its results.
In today’s veterinary medicine, acupuncture is best used to treat pain, inflammation, and chronic conditions. While it was once used as a primary treatment for acute conditions such as infections and trauma, we now only use it as an adjunct in these instances due to the advances of modern medicine in resolving them more quickly.
For pets that will not sit still and allow needles to rest, don’t be worried. We can also inject these points with saline, vitamins, and other beneficial liquids to provide stimulation and healing without the need for prolonged stillness.
Veterinary acupuncturists are certified through only three schools in the country that they attend after finishing veterinary school. These programs require intensive studying, case reports, internships and culminate in an all-day test that they must pass to receive their certification in veterinary acupuncture (CVA).
Dr. Caroline completed her CVA at Chi University, which is led by the renowned Dr. Xie. He is also a boarded anesthesiologist and respected clinical professor at the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine.
Book your pet’s initial holistic consultation (which includes an acupuncture treatment if indicated) here.
About Us
Pet’s Favorite Vet, founded by Dr. Caroline Cofer in 2021, offers Fear Free pet care with warmth and empathy. Our team provides low-stress handling for anxious pets and features a Play Place for cat and dog boarding, daycare, bathing, and a dog park.