Pet Boarding

Learn more about our pet boarding services below.

Pet Boarding in Boiling Springs, SC.

We offer all-inclusive boarding for both dogs and cats.

Our boarding includes medication administration if needed, meal times with your pet’s normal diet or our high-quality in house diet, recreation and enrichment time customized to your pet’s preferences, regular updates sent to your phone or email, and a unique approach to boarding that monitors their physical AND emotional well-being!

Each of our guests is provided with comfortable accommodations that can be customized to fit your pet’s needs. Housemates can board together if desired, and we can separate them at meal times if needed.

We treat your pets like our own

Click below for detailed descriptions of our accommodations and currently nightly rates! You can also fill out a scheduling request, and we will reach out to get your pet set for their reservation!

At Pet’s Favorite Play Place, you can rest assured your pet is enjoying their vacation while you are enjoying yours!