Preventing Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms in Boiling Springs and Spartanburg, SC

Fleas, ticks, and heartworms are gross, and they’re everywhere. What’s more, if an infestation happens, these pests are hard to eliminate. Parasitic infections in dogs and cats can cause issues such as weight loss, loose stool, gas, or even serious illness or death. Many parasites can also be transmitted from pets to humans. To prevent the spread of parasites and disease, Pet’s Favorite Vet strongly recommends annual stool testing for intestinal parasites, and administering flea, tick, and heartworm preventives to your pet all year round.

Make sure your pet is fully protected from parasites. Call us at (864) 406-9877 or request an appointment today!

Why is Heartworm Disease so Deadly?

Heartworms are roundworms that live in the hearts and lungs of infected animals. Without protection provided by heartworm medication, dogs and cats can be vulnerable to infection. Mosquitoes are the primary vectors of heartworm disease, as they can carry heartworm larvae and pass it on to your pet if they take a blood meal. Once the larvae enter your pet’s bloodstream and mature, they move to the blood vessels around the heart and proliferate. This leads to blockages and forces the heart to work much harder. In time, heart failure can occur.

mosquitoes on dog's nose
Fleas And Ticks

What Illnesses do Fleas and Ticks Spread?

Fleas and ticks are more than pests; they’re also disease carriers. Ticks can transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and ehrlichiosis. Fleas can cause flea allergy dermatitis (some pets develop a hypersensitivity to flea saliva) and tapeworm infections. Keeping these creepy crawlers at bay prevents these issues and keeps your pet healthier and happier.

Parasite Preventives We Carry

Pet’s Favorite Vet carries the highest-quality parasite preventives here at our hospital. We offer options for every pet’s needs and every budget.

For example, many of our clients love the once-a-year heartworm prevention shot for dogs coupled with an every-three-month chewable to prevent fleas and ticks. Other clients find a monthly all-in-one chewable for fleas, ticks, and heartworms easier to remember and administer. Cats can have yummy chews or topical liquids to keep them safe.

We even have an online pharmacy that will ship your doses when they are due, spreading out the costs and reminding you to administer the medicine to your pet. If you have any questions, be sure to call us at (864) 406-9877!

Woman Giving Parasite Prevention Medicine To Cat