Details About Dog Daycare
To determine which type of daycare (social or individual) best fits your pet’s needs and personality, we require a daycare evaluation. The evaluation includes a full day of daycare and is $35. We are running an opening promotion that discounts our evaluation to just $25!
Your pet’s physical and emotional well-being are always our primary concerns. During the evaluation, we observe your pet’s body language and let them tell us how they feel about meeting other dogs and people. Some dogs do very well in group play! However, there are plenty of dogs who would rather have one-on-one playtime. This is not a ‘pass/fail’ evaluation, we are evaluating your pet to help determine what their activity preferences are. If you’re interested in setting up an evaluation appointment, please let us know! We are currently booking 1-2 evaluations per day.
Dog Daycare Pricing
- Initial Evaluation (includes a full day of daycare): $35
- Full Day of Daycare (pickup by 6 pm): $35
- Half Day of Daycare (pickup by noon): $25
- 10-pack of full-day passes: $315
- 10-pack of half-day passes: $225
- Mon-Fri Monthly Pass (full day): $625
- Mon-Fri Monthly Pass (half day): $445
*Please note all pass packs must be used within 12 months of purchase.
About Our Cat Daycare
Our cat daycare is designed with feline preferences in mind! Our feline friends can often experience stress when exposed to other cats, so we offer only solitary daycare or daycare with other kitty housemates. It features rest and relaxation times in one of our kitty condos, a minimum of two one-on-one playtime sessions with a team member, extra free time in our feline room, and when suitable, we also offer enrichment puzzles.
Cat Daycare Pricing
- Initial Evaluation (includes a full day of daycare): $30
- Full Day of Daycare (pickup by 6 pm): $30
- Half Day of Daycare (pickup by noon): $20
- 10-pack of full-day passes*: $270
- 10-pack of half-day passes*: $180
*Please note all pass packs must be used within 12 months of purchase.
Grand Opening Daycare Promotions
$100 Off Monday – Friday Doggie Day Camp for Your First Month!
Discounted price: $525
- This includes evaluation and a full day of individual or group daycare every weekday when we are open to the public.
- An appointment for an initial evaluation is required within 60 days of purchase, so please reach out for scheduling!
$30 Off Daycare Evaluation
Discounted price: $5
- Includes the evaluation and a full day of individual or group daycare.