Spay and Neuter Surgeries and More for Cats and Dogs in Boiling Springs and Spartanburg, SC

At Pet's Favorite Vet, we are committed to providing your pet with excellent surgical care tailored to their specific needs, delivered in our fully equipped surgical suite. From routine spay and neuter surgeries to more detailed medical procedures, our experienced team is prepared to care for your pet with the greatest concern for their health, comfort, and safety. As a Fear Free practice, we also take steps to make the process as low-stress as possible.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your pet's surgical needs, contact us today by calling (864) 406-9877 or scheduling an appointment online.

Our Commitment to Surgical Safety

dog wearing plastic cone recovering after surgery

We prioritize our patients’ safety before, during, and after all surgical procedures. Here are the key measures we take to safeguard your companion:

  • Pre-Surgical Exams

    Comprehensive health screenings, including blood work, to assess the risk and prepare for surgery.

  • Intravenous Catheterization

    Use of IV catheters to manage pain and deliver fluids, maintaining optimal blood pressure during surgery.

  • Anesthesia and Monitoring

    Precision in anesthesia dosing and continuous monitoring to keep your pet pain-free and stable.

  • Temperature Management

    We use advanced warming systems during and after surgery to comfort your pet and prevent temperature-related issues.

  • Post-Surgical Monitoring

    Dedicated post-operative care so your pet recovers smoothly and is ready to go home safely.

Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Your Pet

Spay and neuter surgeries not only prevent unwanted litters but also offer health benefits that can extend your pet’s lifespan by reducing the risk of certain cancers and other health issues. These procedures contribute to a healthier, happier life for your pet and can mitigate costly health treatments in the future.

Behavioral and Community Advantages of Spaying and Neutering

Sterilization also helps to curb undesirable behaviors linked to hormonal impulses, such as:

  • Unwanted vocalization
  • Indoor spraying
  • Escaping behaviors in search of a mate
  • Unnecessary mounting
Puppy Before Spay Surgery

Advised Timing for Spaying and Neutering

We work with you to identify the optimal time for these procedures. It's particularly important for large breeds to wait until they are more physically mature before undergoing surgery to ensure their joints and bones are fully developed.

Cat In Her Create Wearing Cone and Recovering From Surgery

Ovary-Sparing Spays and Other Surgical Procedures We Offer

At Pet's Favorite Vet, we provide a variety of surgical options to meet the unique needs of each pet. In addition to traditional spay and neuter services, we offer ovary-sparing spays for those looking for an alternative that maintains some hormonal balance in their pet while preventing pregnancy. Our surgical services also include:

  • C-sections
  • Foreign body removal
  • Mass removals
  • Eyelid surgeries
  • Emergency trauma repair
  • Suture management for lacerations

For more details on these services or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at (864) 406-9877!