
Your pet is in good hands.

Pet’s Favorite Vet is a full-service vet in Boiling Springs, SC.

We’re pleased to provide all of the following services! Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or to learn more.

Physical Examinations

The physical examination is the number one tool in the veterinarian’s toolbox. Pet’s can’t tell us how they feel, exactly what hurts, or what they need. Unlimited physical examinations are included in our ​wellness plans​.

Exams are performed annually with vaccines to check for the start of health problems. Catching problems like heart murmurs, dental disease, joint dysfunction, and much more early can help your beloved pet stay healthy longer and reduce the lifetime costs of treating many problems.

In our youngest and oldest animals, exams are performed more often as your pet changes. We recommend exams every 6 months in senior pets. Exactly when a pet becomes a senior varies by breed but is about 7 years for most dogs and cats.

When your pet is ill, a physical exam allows the veterinarian to start formulating a plan to help them feel better. Sometimes, the pet’s family has a good idea of what is bothering their pet, such as itchy ears or an upset stomach. Other times, you just know something is wrong. Either way, a nose to tail examination often leads to clues of how to get your furry friend feeling faster, better. For example, the gums give clues about hydration with tummy problems and toenails give important information about overall skin health in itchy dogs and cats.

If your pet has been seen at Pet’s Favorite Vet in the last 365 days, they are eligible for telehealth. Learn more about our ​telehealth offerings here​.

Either way, a physical exam by your Pet’s Favorite Vet will be the first step of your visit to keep your pet in tip-top shape.

Every pet at Pet’s Favorite Vet receives a customized recommendation for vaccines.

Rabies vaccination is required by law in South Carolina. As a service to our community, a rabies vaccine is available without an exam. We will simply make sure your pet is not underweight and not running a fever. At Pet’s Favorite Vet we are happy to offer the three-year rabies vaccine ​to those pets that qualify as well as the ​recombinant rabies vaccine for cats​.

We consider the Distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza, and ​Leptospirosis to be core vaccinations in dogs and vaccinate all of our patients for them per the AAHA guidelines.

In cats, the Rhinotracheitis, Calici, and Panleukopenia vaccine is considered core and can be administered in a single injection with the rabies vaccine.

All core vaccines are included in our ​wellness plans​. Lifestyle vaccines, or non-core vaccines, are custom selected for each patient.

Social Dogs – Dogs that go to daycare, dog parks, shows, field trials, the groomer, and boarding facilities get to have a blast with the other dogs. Or feel superior when they growl and bark at them. Either way, bordetella, and canine flu are spread via respiratory droplets in these environments. At Pet’s Favorite Vet we carry the vaccines for both, including an oral Bordetella vaccine. No scary nose drops!

Adventure Dogs – For dogs that like to play outside in South Carolina’s beautiful forest, mountains, and beaches, there is a risk of tick exposure. Lyme disease can cause lifelong health problems, even without serious symptoms in the acute phase. The annual Lyme vaccine works in conjunction with tick prevention to keep your dog healthy and safe.

Outdoor Cats – Feline Leukemia Virus is spread by cats when they exchange bodily fluids via a bite, mating, mutual grooming, or through the placenta. It is incredibly prevalent​ outdoor cats of Spartanburg County and the Upstate in general. Even for cats that do not leave their yard, stray and free-roaming cats can visit and spread the virus. Pet’s Favorite Vet recommends that all outdoor cats be tested and vaccinated annually.

Parasite Testing & Prevention
Worms. They’re gross, and they’re important to find and eliminate.

Parasitic infections in dogs and cats can cause weight loss, loose stools, bad gas, and in more extreme cases cause serious illness and death. Many parasites that pets can carry are also contagious to humans. Annual stool testing for intestinal parasites in all species as well as heartworm and tick-borne disease testing in dogs can keep your whole family healthy.

We happily provide several options for parasite prevention varying in price, scope, and frequency of administration. For example, many clients love the once a year heartworm prevention shot for dogs coupled with every three months chewable to prevent fleas and ticks. Other clients find a monthly all in one chewable for fleas, ticks, and heartworms easier to remember and administer. Cats can have yummy chews or topical liquids to keep them safe.

We even have an online pharmacy that will ship your doses when they are due, spreading out the costs and reminding you to administer the medicine.

Chronic Disease Management

Chronic diseases in our pets can be tough to manage. Bloodwork, recheck examinations, and the emotional toll of their care can become a strain. At Pet’s Favorite Vet we strive to offer labwork at a lower cost and work with you to find therapies that work within your financial and time budgets so that you and your pet can enjoy each other.

Our ​Wellness Plans​, which include unlimited office visits and in-clinic discounts, can be a great way to mitigate the cost of chronic disease management.


Osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is the deterioration of the cartilage on the end of the bones. When this cartilage wears out, the result is “bone on bone.” This causes reduced joint motion and can be very painful.

When the process of arthritis begins, it produces a vicious cycle of inflammation and pain, which leads to decreased activity, weight gain, and loss of muscle mass.

Arthritis cannot be cured—it must be MANAGED. The best way to break the cycle of pain, weight gain, and muscle loss is to manage the disease using a variety of therapies and modalities.

Our veterinarians will develop a plan that fits your pet’s individual needs. We will work with diet, exercise, supplements, medications, and alternative therapies such as acupuncture to keep them comfortable and mobile.


For any pet owner, seeing their pet dog have a seizure can be a traumatic experience. Unfortunately, our pets can experience seizures the same way that humans do. If this is the first time that your pet dog has had a seizure, you should visit your local veterinary clinic as soon as possible for a checkup.

When you bring your dog to a vet because of a seizure, your vet will carry out a thorough examination, possibly perform lab tests, and then recommend the best type of treatment. Most of the time, antiepileptic medication is given, and you should monitor your pet’s weight closely. The levels of this medicine in the blood will be monitored closely. It is important that you not change the dose of the medication without speaking to your veterinarian first.


Diabetes is a common disease that results from a malfunction of your pet’s endocrine system. It can occur in younger pets as a result of a birth defect or other injury to the animal’s pancreas, rendering it unable to produce insulin (this is known as type 1 diabetes). It can develop in an older pet when his or her body becomes unable to effectively utilize the insulin produced (known as type 2 diabetes). In both of these cases, visible symptoms are often not apparent until the disease is advanced. Pet’s Favorite Vet will help you learn to manage your pet’s diabetes with diet, medications, and regular monitoring of blood and/or urine.

Cushing’s Disease

As our canine friends age, they can be more prone to different medical conditions. One of them is Cushing’s disease, or hyperadrenocorticism (HAC). It’s a hormonal disorder that causes excessive production of the hormone cortisol. HAC can affect humans and cats, but it is most common in dogs. Treatment often involves daily medication to mitigate the side effects and must be monitored with routine lab work.


Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease) is a well-recognized, but relatively uncommon, potentially serious disorder of dogs. The underlying problem in hypoadrenocorticism is the decreased production of hormones from the adrenal glands. These hormones directly or indirectly affect virtually every process in the body, and therefore their deficiency or absence, that is, hypoadrenocorticism, can be life-threatening. Even in cases requiring hospitalization initially, however, hypoadrenocorticism can usually be treated successfully with medications at home, although daily medication (or a monthly injection) often needs to be given for the rest of a dog’s life.

Thyroid Dysfunction

Thyroid Disease is very common in dogs.

It is extremely common in Boxers, Golden Retrievers, Pitbulls, and Labradors; incidence rates can be up to 70%.

So how does Low thyroid hormone result? It is from impaired production and secretion of thyroid hormones. More than 95% of all cases occur as a result of the destruction of the thyroid gland. Most hypothyroidism is due to thyroid gland destruction that is suspected to be caused by the dog’s immune system killing the cells of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism may also be a result of atrophy of the thyroid and infiltration of the tissue by fat, or by cancer.

Cats, conversely, are susceptible to hyperthyroidism, or the production of too much thyroid hormone. Often, cats with hyperthyroidism are losing weight, talking a LOT at night, and using the litter box excessively. These symptoms can often be eliminated by treatment which can be a daily medicine compounded to rub on their ear, a special diet, or radiation of the thyroid. It’s important to monitor these kitties for heart and kidney disease, as it can develop in addition to thyroid problems.

Liver Disease

The liver is a multi-purpose organ: it detoxifies the blood, helps break down drugs, metabolizes sources of energy, stores vitamins, and glycogen, produces bile acids necessary for digestion, and manufactures important proteins necessary for blood clotting. Because of its behind-the-scenes role in so many important bodily functions, liver disease can manifest as a wide variety of symptoms depending on the vital function affected. Liver disease often has a cascade effect on other body systems. Keeping an eye on your pet’s liver function with bloodwork can help guide the treatment of many other problems when their medications are processed through the liver.

Kidney Disease

The kidneys help the body to eliminate waste through the urine and come with a handy-dandy built-in spare. With all of that extra capacity, though, signs of kidney disease are not evident on bloodwork until 2⁄3 of their function is gone and physical symptoms are not seen until about 3⁄4 of the kidney is non-functional.

Another disease that can be managed, kidney problems are often managed at home through a mixture of special diets and fluid supplementation.

Vaccine Titers
Vaccine titer tests are simple blood tests that measure your animal’s antibodies to certain diseases. In most practices, these diseases include distemper, parvo, and hepatitis virus for dogs, and rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia virus for cats. A titer is a number derived from testing your animal’s blood for antibodies against these diseases. A positive titer means your dog or cat has antibodies against a specific disease (the titer usually results from prior vaccination to the disease or exposure to the disease). It indicates he is protected from the illness caused by that particular virus. For example, a positive titer to the distemper virus indicates your dog is protected from distemper.
Nutrition Consultations
Feeding a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight can increase life expectancy, quality of life, decrease the risk of many diseases (such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease), and help manage chronic medical conditions. We include a nutritional assessment and a weight evaluation in every health evaluation for every pet. We will also evaluate trends in your pet’s weight, as weight gain or weight loss can be signs of an underlying disease or may indicate a need to change your feeding regimen. We can help you pick the best commercial pet food or guide you in creating a balanced and healthy recipe for home-cooked food.
Health Certificates

Please Note: Pet’s Favorite Vet will not sign any travel form attesting to the behavior or training of an animal or any forms that pertain to the owner’s need for the pet in a service capacity. We will happily sign forms confirming vaccinations and recent physical examinations.

International Travel

Most countries require that special documents be completed by a veterinarian and accompany a pet when you arrive at a foreign destination. Most of the time, these requirements are simple to fulfill, but other times it is fairly complicated. You must first research the requirements for your destination, and then, with your pet, bring these documents along with all prior veterinary records.

Our veterinarians will review the forms, carry out the necessary tests, perform any necessary pre-travel treatments, and complete the required forms for you. Not every veterinarian on staff has USDA accreditation, so ask to see the appropriate USDA-accredited veterinarian when you make an appointment.

It is recommended that you have an in-clinic visit or a telehealth visit (for those patients we have seen in the past 365 days) well before your travel date and appointment for official certification to arrange all necessary tests and treatments. Some require several months to complete.

Learn more.

Domestic Travel

Requirements for domestic travel by airplane within the United States usually require that a current health certificate be presented to the airline, which can be completed by any veterinarian on staff.

A Note on Hawaii: Travel to Hawaii with pets requires testing that can take several months. Please refer to Hawaii’s travel information to determine the timeline for taking your pet.

Holistic Care


Acupuncture may be defined as the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to produce a healing response. Each acupuncture point has specific actions when stimulated. This technique has been used in veterinary practice in China for thousands of years to treat many ailments. The Chinese also use acupuncture as preventative medicine. Acupuncture is used all around the world, either along with or in conjunction with Western medicine, to treat a wide variety of conditions in every species of animal. Clinical research has been conducted showing positive results in the treatment of both animals and humans, and the use of acupuncture is increasing. Acupuncture will not cure every condition, but it can work very well when it is indicated. At Pet’s Favorite Vet, it may be used as a stand-alone treatment (primarily in chronic conditions) or as an adjunct to acute diseases like ear infections and UTIs to boost the body’s immune response.

Click here to learn more about acupuncture.

Herbal Treatments

While relatively new in the United States, herbal and Chinese veterinary medicine has been used to successfully treat animals in China for at least 5,000 years. The theory behind traditional Chinese veterinary medicine is based upon the flow of energy within the animal. Illness results when this flow stagnates is disrupted, or ceases to be in balance. Symptoms associated with illness are the result of the body attempting to restore the balance of energy within it.

Treatment using the principles of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine involves restoring the energy balance within the animal, and a variety of treatment options are available to the veterinarian depending upon the description of the imbalance.

Check out the affordable prices on these services and more.